We meet in the Chapel on Post. All faith groups meet in this chapel so there are a few services going on at the same time in different parts of the building. We can only meet for 2 hours (10 -12) each week so it is rather hectic during the block. If you can imagine trying to hold sacrament meeting, sunday school, relief society, and priesthood meeting in 2 hrs. But don't forget that we have to conduct baptismal services, confirmations, setting apart for callings, and callings, and interviews. We cannot keep them past 12:00 noon or the drill sergeants are in looking for them. We have anywhere from 10 to 12 new members and 10-20 new visitors each week. The basic training only lasts for 9 weeks and the soldiers serve in a few callings, such as, priesthood blessers (not a normal calling you say) for blessings of comfort or healing.
Bob was called to be the 2nd counselor in the branch presidency and Sylvia was called as the 1st counselor in the Relief Society. We have about 80-100 soldiers each week. We have new soldiers and graduating soldiers every week. So we have a mountain of paperwork to keep track of all of them. There are several lists we have to update every week for the branch and there are reports to file with SLC every week and then every month others. Whew
The chapel on Post and a close up of the entrance. |