Tuesday, November 1, 2016

P-Day with our Missionaries

After lunch we went to what is call the
HOLY CITY..  It is where they hold a pageant every Easter.  It is out in the middle of --nowhere, literally.
No town around for 30 miles.  

All eight of our missionaries had Halloween off so we took them to dinner at a fun restaurant in the Wichita "Mountains" Wildlife Refuge.  We have to put mountains in quotes--because they are small hills.  They have huge plate size burgers (we shared) and amazing peach cobbler with homemade ice-cream.
It is typical Oklahoma==not much to look at.  But good food and fun.

This was a Tabasco peppers challenge.  And it was funny. 

BEST peach cobbler EVER with mountains of real homemade ice-cream.\


  1. I remember going to Meers I think they also had a piano player too. He and the piano would be long gone

  2. These Missionaries are so lucky to have you two. You spoil them.
