Sunday, March 12, 2017

Ft. Sill Military Branch

We see our soldiers for 2 hrs. each Sunday.  Everything needs to be done in that two hours in not a lot of space.
Sacrament Meeting.  The room is less than ideal for a meeting being long and narrow.  The soldier standing in the center of the room is directing the music.  The Branch Presidency and Relief Society Presidency are the only civilians.  We had baptism at the beginning of Sacrament Meeting (it is conducted during opening exercises, and then confirmation in the meeting)  This room is divided into 3 rooms for the missionary discussions (All 5 lessons are taught in 3 sessions).  Sunday School is taught down the hall in another room.  Twice a month we have 15 minute Priesthood and Relief Society classes. 

We had a guest speaker today and he brought his son (another civilian).  Generally we have the soldiers speak.  Once a month we watch a conference talk but unfortunately we don't get to hear some of the best ones because we only have 10-15 minutes for talks in Sacrament Meeting.  The soldiers teach Sunday School, Priesthood, and Relief Society lessons.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I am not sure the best way to contact you, so I am hoping this will work. My son just arrived at Ft Sill. He is LDS and I am hoping he finds you.

    Thanks for all you do!
